Why we need You

We need participation from dairy and beef farmers from around the UK to remain engaged over 2023. Collecting a high quality, and quantity of data is integral to the success of the project and expanding the knowledge database of UK anthelmintic use in livestock, which is currently limited. We would highly value the input from veterinary practices and farming groups, to increase and maintain involvement through the year.  Understanding the impacts of parasiticide use will aid in the movement towards alternative parasite control measures, crucial for creating a sustainable farming future and preventing environmental damage.

The survey

The survey will take 2 minutes to fill out each month, requiring information on the product used, how many animals were treated and at what point in the month they were treated. Specific timing of treatment will be needed to establish the true environmental impacts. There will be the option of either receiving a digital copy of the survey via email every month OR a hard copy in a diary format for the whole year.

The model

The data will be input into a computerised model to predict the impacts of the parasiticide use on dung beetle populations. Weather and altitude of farms will also be parameterised in the model. Dung beetles are essential to the agricultural industry, more details can be found on the "Information" page of the website. We hope this model will provide evidence to invoke awareness of dung beetles role in soil fertility and parasite control, leading to the uptake of agricultural methods that preserve their populations.